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Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2005
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My tank is more or less cycled (finally!), I just need to do a water change to get the nitrates a bit lower.
So, next week I’m gonna start buying fish. I’m going to get 3 at a time, and quarantine them for at least a week, probably closer to 10 days, before I put ‘em in the community tank. This is what I plan on getting, in this order (shy ones first, so they can get their territory established before the more assertive fish).

Pictus Catfish (3)
Peacock Gudgeon (3)
Boesemani Rainbow (3)
Bala Shark (3)
I know Balas are supposed to be non-aggressive, but they’ll get bigger than just about everybody else, except maybe the catfish... and I want those first because I got some algae growing right now *sigh!*

I have 50 gallons (the tank is labled 60, though). One bunch of Anacharis plants.
Taking into consideration the size of mature fish, is this going to be over-stocked? I have a Penquin 350 filter with 2 bio-wheels... I'll do a 5% water change Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 10% every Saturday. I hope that’ll be alright, but I’m not sure how “messy” these types of fish are!
If I need to get rid of any fish, my first choice would be the Peacocks, since I’m going to have to order them off the internet... not necessarily a bad thing, but if my tank is overstocked, I wouldn’t want to have spent the extra money for them to end up miserable (or dead). Then maybe the Bala Sharks, and replace with either a couple Dwarf Gourami or a few Neon Tetras if possible, for some extra color.
Good luck with setting up your tank
I am certainly no expert but I will give you one pece of advice.If you get pictus catfish dont be surprised later on if smaller fish start disappearing as pictus eat anything. :whistle:
I think you need to forget the sharks, they are very peacuful fish but get too big for your tank. The rainbows are a good place to start, but are happier in larger groups so go for 6+.
I may not get the Balas after all... I wanted something silvery for the middle layer, but then it might get redundant with Pictus underneath them. I was thinking of a dozen Neon Tetras, but as mentioned, they might get eaten.
I could go with just 3 Pictus and 6 Rainbows... not much variety, but it'd be more stable, I hope!

Eventually, I want to get the tank planted with Java Fern and more Anacharis. But right now, I only have 38 watts in the 50 gallons. When I can afford better lighting, I'll get more plants. Then maybe I can get the Neons, and they'll have stuff to hide in :)
bo balas the tank isnt big enough.The neons might be ok but themy might get eaten.

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