Readjust Water Thermometer?


New Member
Feb 7, 2007
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I have several thermometers. Of course, I paid attention and noticed they aren't very accurate at all. Some of them are off by 1 or 2 degrees in °F/°C. They are the ones that comes with suction cups to stick on the wall of aquariums. I was able to open the glass part to get access to the paper part. Just that it is glued to the glass tube w/red ink. Wonder if I should take the whole thing out? I don't want to mess with the red ink....
No you shouldn't mess around with the thermometer. If it is just off by one or two degrees, then just adjust the temperature accordingly to the uncertainty. The red ink should be alcohol, so it is better not to mess around with it. You might lose some of the alcohol if you open it and make the thermometer worse than before.
No you shouldn't mess around with the thermometer. If it is just off by one or two degrees, then just adjust the temperature accordingly to the uncertainty. The red ink should be alcohol, so it is better not to mess around with it. You might lose some of the alcohol if you open it and make the thermometer worse than before.

I only opened the outside capsule. I didn't crack the thermometer stick itself. When I tried to remove the paper with all gauge marks off the thermometer. It isn't possible to do that because it is glued from top edge to bottom edge to the thermometer stick. So I decided to try to pull the stick out of the glass capsule. Seem that it is epoxyed to the bottom of the whole thing. So pretty much nothing that I can do... Geez! I don't want to use flame to melt the glue or whatever the stuff is that is holding the stick up. The flame can throw the thermometer off when it reachs its maximum readable scale. At least, the lesson was learned. :shout:

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