First of all all that crap he said is true... and has always been part of the rule of thumb. How he thinks he is special and more aggressive fish = more inch/volume or certian fish need a minimum range, i don't know. We have always put that with the rule of thumb thing.
Seccond by semantics alone rules of thumb are a general starting point.
Third the rule of thumb is a damn good thing for folks who are starting out and dont know why the rule is the rule... of course like anything in life... once you know why the rule is there you can better decide when to break it. There is a whole lot of factors that go into a tank and NO ONE knows them all at this point. Rules of thumb are a great starting point for some one who cant wait 2-3 years of research before setting up their first tank.
This guy has a big head. Period.
worse his artical gives the noob the impression they can easly overstock. And like wetwetwet says STOCKING SLOWLY...