Re-stocking Idea, What Do You Think?


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I have 11 tiger barbs, 6 buenos aries tetras, and 6 cory cats. The tiger bars are so damn aggressiv when it comes to feeding, that the larger tetras don't always get their share. The tiger barbs just seem more greedy, and, they outnumber the other fish. I am thinking of removing some of the barbs so there's maybe 6 instead of 11. This will help so other fish have a better chance at eating, plus, it will allow me to possily add another school of fish so I have 4 different kinds total.

I dont think aggression with the tiger barbs will be an issue. The 11 I have right now dont bother any of the other fish, and I dontt hink having 6 is still large enough school to keep them from being too aggressive or nip fins.

Matter of fact, what other kind of fish will go well with the tiger barbs and buenos aries tetras??

What do you all think?

nevermind on the tiger barb queastion! Im searching the forums for answeres about what goes well with tiger barbs (although some of the info contradicts).
If I still am unsure, I'll post my question.
tiger barbs and beunos aires tetras are both fin nippers and become bored quickly in small numbers. You probably haven't had any problems with the barbs because you have 11 of them.
Whatever fish you get should be able to tolerate being in a tank with the barbs and tetras. Perhaps try serpae, black widow/skirt or red-eye tetras. Most other barbs will be fine in there too. A rainbow or redtail black shark would probably be ok and you could try blue or gold gouramis.
I have thought about the rainbow off and on, but some people tell me when they get fully grown they become quite aggressive. I dont want them to do anything to my cute cories.

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