Re-Done the Tank Again.


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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I Get bored with the same looking Design and I like Experimenting.

So I remembered Cheese saying she used Play Sand From ARGOS.

* I took out some of the rocks.
* Rebunched the plants that have sent out feelers
* Took out some but not all Gravel - I only use a little gravel 4 the Banjos and Kuhlis.
* Washed the Sandl to remove any debris stil in it.

Must say I now Agree with all of you who have Sand.

The difference in the fish is amazing - the love it, Especially the Corys and Banjos. I can see the Banjos Now. I still have 2, I thought 1 Died but they were out and about while i re-did the tank.

It also makes the fish much brighter and easir to see.

The water is a little cloudy ATM, so I have plugged in the Other Filter from the Rena Tank.

Gonna Add some More Plants that like sand - Might get 1 of those Lillys from ebay.
sounds :cool: where are the pics? :/
no pics yet, no batts for camera

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