Re Cycling Filter Help


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Im currently in the process of having to recycle my tank with fish stocked.

I cant decide between using prime to convert the ammonia and doing a 25% weekly water change or doing daily 10% water changes with no prime to keep the ammonia down

I would really appreciate your advice

If you cant get any filter media, I would do 20% water change each day and use prime. If you can test your water for ammonia and nitrite then it would give you a better idea of how much water changing to do and how much prime to use.
Prime does not remove the ammonia, it converts it to ammonium, which is harmless to fish at the levels found in a cycling aquarium, but used the same as ammonia by your bio filtration. The ammonia/ammonium will get converted to nitrite, which means you will have to do daily water changes, the percentage depends on the nitrite level, and the species & quantity of fish being kept.
Prime does not remove the ammonia, it converts it to ammonium, which is harmless to fish at the levels found in a cycling aquarium, but used the same as ammonia by your bio filtration. The ammonia/ammonium will get converted to nitrite, which means you will have to do daily water changes, the percentage depends on the nitrite level, and the species & quantity of fish being kept.

Thanks for reply's

Is it true that when using prime my amm/nitrite/nitrate test kit will not show accurate readings from tank water ?

I use a liquid test kit by interpet

Also are these "bacteria" in a bottle products any good for helping the cycling process ? I live in the UK
Hi Walkham, I find Interpet's filter start a good product to get the cycling process under way, it has helped me a few times, especially if used with previously used media.
Hi Walkham, I find Interpet's filter start a good product to get the cycling process under way, it has helped me a few times, especially if used with previously used media.


Does anyone know if the filter start will work if im using prime at the same time ? i did hear someone on the forum saying they were incompatible
You can cycle using Prime, but on many tests the ammonium will be detected the same as ammonia. The single reagent tests are Nessler tests, and will show ammonium as ammonia. The two reagent salicylate test will discriminate between ammonia & ammonium.
You can cycle using Prime, but on many tests the ammonium will be detected the same as ammonia. The single reagent tests are Nessler tests, and will show ammonium as ammonia. The two reagent salicylate test will discriminate between ammonia & ammonium.

Ah i see , thats clears those issues up for me

Many thanks

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