my tank is pretty close to being fully cycled, my ammonia eating bacteria can gobble up the ammonia i add in just a few hours, i'm just waiting for my nitrifying bacteria to catch up now.
however, this close to the end, i'm actually debating making a change in my tank. i'm debating switching to a sand substrate.
if i do this now, i imagine it'll set me back on my cycle. so i was thinking of doing it after my tank is fully cycled. if i carefully remove all my decor, all my plants (fake and real), all my bogwood, and all my substrate, and then add the sand as described so well in the FAQ, how long do you figure it would be before my tank, erm, re-cycles itself?
i'd need to get a new filter, if i do that, as i currently have an internal power filter, and it's not intended for use in a sandy bottom tank. so i'd have to remove the sponge and add it to my new filter, to seed it that way.
would i have to start the entire cycle over again, adding another 2/3 weeks to my wait? or would all this seed material speed up my cycle enough that i could add fish rather quickly?
however, this close to the end, i'm actually debating making a change in my tank. i'm debating switching to a sand substrate.
if i do this now, i imagine it'll set me back on my cycle. so i was thinking of doing it after my tank is fully cycled. if i carefully remove all my decor, all my plants (fake and real), all my bogwood, and all my substrate, and then add the sand as described so well in the FAQ, how long do you figure it would be before my tank, erm, re-cycles itself?
i'd need to get a new filter, if i do that, as i currently have an internal power filter, and it's not intended for use in a sandy bottom tank. so i'd have to remove the sponge and add it to my new filter, to seed it that way.
would i have to start the entire cycle over again, adding another 2/3 weeks to my wait? or would all this seed material speed up my cycle enough that i could add fish rather quickly?