Rcs Dont Eat Flakes/bloodworm/brime Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Feb 2, 2010
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I have about x10 RCS in a heavy planted tank, lots of javamoss which is why I think that they don't eat any of the other fish food, a flake will land on a shrimps nose but will just ignore it and munch on some java mass, is this right? I thought you had to feed shrimps, my amano shrimps eat anything though.
That is pretty strange, mine will eat literally anything. I pressume you are feeding them some sort of algae/spirulina wafers? If not that would be a good idea. Also if you can get your hands on some specialist shrimp foods like Hikari shrimp cuisine (I get mine from ebay) then they'll eat that for sure.
I fed mine algae wafers.

Just because you can't see them eating, doesn't mean they aren't eating when you aren't looking.

Mine would sit and wait for the bloodworms and then run off with them :)

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