Rcc Eggs?


New Member
Nov 4, 2008
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Hi, I think my RCC may be carrying eggs in her egg hatch.... We did a water change etc yesterday, cleaned out the tank and didn't notice anything 'different' with the 2 crabs, but this morning one of them was close up to the glass on it's travels past and as it turned to face us and lfted it legs, we saw that it's egg hatch looks like it is swollen with red stuff.

I tried to get a picture to post but my camera is so naff it doens't pic up detail with the aquarium light reflecting etc. Am I right in thinking she may be carrying eggs and it's not something else like illness? as I thought it was almost impossible for them to breed in captivity?

Thanks for any advice :thumbs:
Likely eggs that she's carrying if you saw red/orange. They can breed in captivity if they're happy and you have both sexes, but if you can raise the babies is another matter.
Likely eggs that she's carrying if you saw red/orange. They can breed in captivity if they're happy and you have both sexes, but if you can raise the babies is another matter.

oh wow! we've learnt so much since getting our RCC's, first we encountered them dying due to the water not being right, then we sort that problem and witness a crab molting (wierd but amazing), have had 2 more molt since and now we have a crabby with eggs!!! I've read a little about raising the babies and I quite agree, that may not be easy, in fact I'd hazzard a guess, near impossible for us beginners!!

Thanks for your reply, much appreciated :good:

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