Rbta Losing/shedding Tentacles?


Feb 27, 2009
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Hi all, i've discovered recently that my RBTA has started to lose its tentacles? It happens weekly, i would see 1 or 2 deflated tentacles lieing on the sand or on the rocks. The anemone however looks perfectly fine :huh: . Furthermore, i can see 1 or 2 missing tentacles on the anemone when it is fully inflated (it also looks like the tentacles are growing back). My SG is at 1.026 and ph is at 8.3. I use a chiller now that its summer and keep the temp. at 77 farenheight. it is in my 135G reef supplemented by (3) 250W MH's. I dose kent liquid calcium (daily, as stated) and nano reef A+B (during water changes). All my livestock are reef safe, unless i have one of those darn hitch hiker crabs snipping off tentacles?

Has anyone else had their bubble tip anemones shed tentacles?? Anyone knows what this means?
Anemones have the ability to shed a tentacle, this is called anastomizing. They usually do it if the nem has been damaged in some way. It shouldnt be anything to worry about as long as the injury was not caused by something in the tank predating upon the nem

Seffie x
Anemones have the ability to shed a tentacle, this is called anastomizing. They usually do it if the nem has been damaged in some way. It shouldnt be anything to worry about as long as the injury was not caused by something in the tank predating upon the nem

Seffie x

hmmmm... this raises a huge suspicion on my tomato clownfish that has been hosting the nem.. pretty roughly. you think so??

hmmmm... this raises a huge suspicion on my tomato clownfish that has been hosting the nem.. pretty roughly. you think so??

Maybe, but I have seen clowns sucking on their Nems and they have been ok - probably have to watch and wait

Seffie x
ah, i think i figured why. i have a gbta and an rbta in the same tank, which probably means the gbta is winning in the chemical warfare. so should i get rid of one of them or will more frequent water changes and carbon work?
Nope, they will not be fighting - they are the same, just a different colour. That only happens if you put two different types of Anemone in a tank

Seffie x
oo i see, thanks for clearing that up for me. ill just wait and see what happens, thanks for your help seffie! :good:

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