firstly waht size tank have you got there, even the smallest species need a 5ft x 2ft x 2ft and these rays are hard to come bye, all rays are very sensitive to water qualty, i think the smallest species of freshwtaer ray is a histrix ray what has a disc diameter of 12",
The plan is to get 6-8 Discus, four from one supplier and four from another. After they have grown on a little, say a month or two I will remove two and keep the best looking six. Hopefully as they grow a couple may decide to pair off.....which will leave me with twosounds good, you know youl only be able to keep about 3 dont you,,,,
How long does it take for a Potamotrygon scobina to reach full size?Just to clarify the smallest commonly available freshwater ray species is Potamotrygon scobina which attains a disc size of around 12 inches across, P.hysterix is a fairly large species with females capable of reaching around 18 inches across.