Rays & Ropes?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2004
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I loved my ropefish - before the 1 impossible 1/2" hole to climb out of.
(At what point did he think "gee..the air is not too good out here..")?

Anyway, now I am much older and wiser...ok...older, have had my amazing stingray for a few months and am thinking of getting another rope or two.
Has anyone kept a ropefish (or two) with a freshwater stingray? I'm hesitant to go for it for many reasons, and Mr. Stingray has top priority. Stingray (or "Jet") is a jeuvenile reticulated dude about 4 inch disc, great health and seems very happy. (He 'smiles', ok?)

Both bottom feeders that need their gulps of air. Anyone with experience, good or bad? Or, do I want to get 'Jet' a buddy! (That's tempting too.)

And best to you and our fishy friends for a better year.
it depends, so long as u get a largish ropefish the ray shouldnt be able to chew it up like spaghetti. And i cant see the rope being that aggressive towards the ray.
To be honest i know that rays will happilly co habitate, and that if u have the space for two rays at adult size i would be tempted to head in that direction myself. Its not unheard of for entirely different species of ray to be kept together, and one of my many oddball books io have come across reports on rays breeding (or a least being imported pregnant) in captivity

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