ray dead


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
:eek: today my ray was fine then dead!

i don't have a clue what it's died, when i water changed i did everything the same as usual, near the end of changing the water the ray was flying about gulping at the surface, there's no physical signs of illness on him.

the anus seemed to point out a bit though. the other ray is still going fine.

:-( :byebye:
No ! :( So sorry to hear about your loss of such a beautiful fish :byebye:
The only thing i can think is that prehaps the temperature changed dramatically during the water change which put it into shock, or prehaps there is something that has been added to your water supply which isnt usually there?

sorry for your loss but thats rays for you, just when you think its safe the buggers go and die on you :(
I know there was somehting up with the water supply couple of months back as the flushed the system or something and it wiped out half the fish at my works other shop.

temp might of dropped a bit as my pump was doing to well pumping the hot in but I was constantly checking this and didn't drop any more than usual.

it's odd the other smaller ray is still alive though :/
Awwwwwww, what a shame!
My male retic died too :-(
But he was not eating and I said the day before he did pass on to my hubby that he was gonna, even though I tried everything and anything ot get him to eat. He just would not.
Was yours eating ok Paul?
Paul, that sucks and I am sorry for your loss.

I know some of us are really saddened by the loss of one our fish, especially an un-usual one like a ray or other oddball species, I even hated to lose my Oscar.

Good luck with the other ones, and justy remember, everything dies in life.

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