**If you are easily offended or grossed out easily or simply dont like the fact I feed live fish to my clawed (I think most people do) please do not read.**
I have a 6 inch male clawed frog, remember, the one my cat got after he escaped and scratched and bit both legs?
He's ok, healed up nicely, but for the longest time he stopped eating live fish.
I used to feed him the odd goldie feeder and guppies.
Anyways, I had two "goldie feeders" housed with him since the attack and they've gotten rather big over the last two months.
I figured I'd leave 'em in there to "brighten" up the tank, I didnt think he'd be able to actually eat em.
Well, the other day, after a couple months of hand feeding him everyday he ventured out on his own and ate one of the "rather" large feeders, much to my surprise.
Then this moring, when I got home from a long night of work, I noticed the second was now gone too!
When searching the tank I noticed a head in the corner.
I thought maybe it had died or it was the reguritated remains.
(Anyone ever see they're clawed frog regurgitate something?)
I reached in with my claw thingy and to my horror I discovered it was just the head!
It looked like it was ripped off the fish, clawed dont have teeth thought right?
So I'm trying to think of what heppened and how this head ended up left in the tank.
Ah ha, I says, the clawed frog most likely had the fish in its mouth, the body in its stomach and when it was digested enough the head fell off and so the tale ends.
Anyone else have something like this happen before?
I have a 6 inch male clawed frog, remember, the one my cat got after he escaped and scratched and bit both legs?
He's ok, healed up nicely, but for the longest time he stopped eating live fish.
I used to feed him the odd goldie feeder and guppies.
Anyways, I had two "goldie feeders" housed with him since the attack and they've gotten rather big over the last two months.
I figured I'd leave 'em in there to "brighten" up the tank, I didnt think he'd be able to actually eat em.
Well, the other day, after a couple months of hand feeding him everyday he ventured out on his own and ate one of the "rather" large feeders, much to my surprise.
Then this moring, when I got home from a long night of work, I noticed the second was now gone too!
When searching the tank I noticed a head in the corner.
I thought maybe it had died or it was the reguritated remains.
(Anyone ever see they're clawed frog regurgitate something?)
I reached in with my claw thingy and to my horror I discovered it was just the head!
It looked like it was ripped off the fish, clawed dont have teeth thought right?
So I'm trying to think of what heppened and how this head ended up left in the tank.
Ah ha, I says, the clawed frog most likely had the fish in its mouth, the body in its stomach and when it was digested enough the head fell off and so the tale ends.
Anyone else have something like this happen before?