

Jan 8, 2007
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What are Rasbora's like?

I have seen some at the LFS and I think they are very pretty.

Can someone tell me a bit about them?

I have 2 blue rams and plan on getting a gourami, will they be eaten?

what sort of rasbora's did you see, there's a lot of different ones.

in general they're lovely peaceful small community fish, no ram's or gourami's shouldn't bother them so long as they're not teeny tiny babies
They were just called Rasboras, no fancy name (I know you can get all types).

By searching google, it looks like they are harliquen.
Harlquin Rasboras..... Lovely fish, be sure that you keep them in shoals (6 or more) if you have room. You should have no problems with your Rams or your Gourami
Hi Rhiannon. Harliquin rasboras are IMO a really nice addition to a community tank, they can be quite amusing to watch when kept in a shoal. I always have 6/8 more if you have room. Mine have never mithered any other fish and they seem to enjoy 'playing' wether its in the flow from your filter or chasing each other through your tank decs. They always seem such happy little fish and you should definately get some!! :good:
Harlequin Rasboras are lovely little fish, we always used to keep them in our community tank, i'd get some if I was you :good:

(p.s My name is Rhiannon too, and we were born in the same year, freaky!)
i have some lovely rasboras very nice fish and very hardy but my 6 dont seem to like shoaling much they tend to stray off and explore lol.
my favorate shoaling fish the Harliquin :good:
I have Copper Harlequins too. Stunning fish :rolleyes:
I also have Galaxy Rasboras, these are relativly new (so I'm told),these are very small but beautiful fish.
There are many mant Rasbora species. Some grow large, which limits their appeal, but all are harmless peaceful fish, more likely to be bullied then to cause trouble. Harlequins are a perfect fish for quiet communities.

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