

New Member
Feb 20, 2006
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Hey all, I am in the finnal stages of cycling a 10gall and now comes the fishie part, YAY! So I am whanting a school of rasbora's, like maybe 7 or so, and 2 cories and a few ghost shrimp! would that be ok? I cant think of any reson why it wouldnt but just whanted to make sure! Thanks :)

10 gallons is not a lot of space when you consider that the general guide is to have an inch of adult size fish per gallon. Corys should be kept in groups of 3+ and rasboras in groups of 6+. A Great combination would be dwarf rasboras (boras maculatus) and some of the dwarf corys (c. habrosus, c. hastatus or c. pygmeous)

If you were thinking harlequin rasboras they grow 1.5 inches so unless you still got dwarf corys you would be overstocking to get big enough groups of the fish. Shrimp add very little to the bio load and so wouldn't be a problem.

Emma :)
cool, that is the rasbora im looking at, the harlaquins, they are so pretty, well maybe i will do that and like a few ghost shrimp! thanks!
As far as I was aware Harlequin rasboras only get a little over an inch mine that I have are only an inch and are full grown and yes I will be getting some more hopefully.

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