Rasbora Info?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2004
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Hey all! Well today went to the local LFS and saw some new fish they got in, instantly I recognized them as rasbora, after seeing them in pictures and the like. They are babies right now, maybe a 1 or 1.5 inches or a little over 1.5 nearing 2 and I bought 5 and they have already formed a nice little school together and are staying in my 10 gallon with a dojo loach. The tank contains two amazon swords and two java ferns, all which are in good condition and a beautiful green. Just a note as if anyone has in experience with these fish and could possibly give me some input, or beneficial advice! Thanks all! :D
There are over 100 rasbora species, could you be a bit more psciffic?
They are the Harlequin species I believe...They have a black triangle in there bodies close to the end and takes up like half there bodies...Thanks for the info! :D
Yeah, sounds to me asthough u have Harliquin rasbora. But there are also many species with the same if not too disimilar characteristics. Google the name, and if its a diferent species than what u see, google "Rasbora" and many options should come up and flick through them.
You'd get more hits if you spelt it harlequin though. The linnaen name has for decades been Rasbora heteromorpha, although a recent reclassification has moved the fish to a different genus and so for completeness, Trigonostigma heteromorpha.

A peaceful shoaling fish from the malay peninsular and islands. Easy to keep and feed.
they could be espei rasboras, which have the black triangle too but they're smaller and golden lines around their black triangle


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