in my lfs they have fish that i thought were harlequin rasbora, however, i looked at the label and it said "rasbora henglii" (i think it was spelt like that anyway) can anyone tell me anything about these? are they just like harlequins?
Trigonostigma hengeli, Glowlight rasbora, are not as hardy as Rasbora heteromorpha, Harliquins, but are far better looking IMHO.
I have a nice school of 17 along with some T.espei, Espes Rasbora, another similar looking fish.
these fish will adapt well to almost any gH but need a pH of 6 to be the most colourful and healthy.
they show the best colours when kept in 23-28c and should reach 3cm as adults.
feeding is std but the seem to love live daphina