Rasbora Help


Fish Crazy
Aug 11, 2011
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i want to get 6 or 7 rasboras, but i dont what to get, its either dwarf ones or Harlequins. which would be best? i got a 60liter tank.

Define 'dwarf', do you mean a type of microrasbora? Any specific type?
it just said dwarf in the shop not sure what one it is, its really small with a blue colour on it
It will be a type of micro rasbora for sure. You could have a nice big shoal in a 60 litre tank. :D
Hm, not sure what it could be. Try googling, get an ID on it. Shouldn't buy a fish unless you're exactly sure what it is. Someone else may know though.

Anyway, fish look better in larger groups, so you could add quite a few more than 7. Depends on what else you have in your tank?
well at the momment i have 2 ballon mollies, how many u think i cold have in there with them 2 aswell?
The thing is with Micro Rasbora's is that they stand a good chance of being eaten due to the size of them. If selecting small, micro species then these should be kept with other suitable tank mates and im not sure that Balloon Mollies are this.
I would go with harlequins in that case. Lovely fish, look good in a planted tank.
Should be ok then mate for about 6. Then get a feel for how many more you could have. Have you considered Glowlight Tetras?
i was thinking them, but i was told the rasbora would be beter, but i do like tetras

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