Here is a guide of useful articles and species profiles which refer to Rarer Livebearers.
Livebearer Articles and Fish Profiles
Unusual Livebearersnmonks 5-Feb-06
How to Identify Your Halfbeaksnmonks 6-June-06
Species ProfilesAuthorDate
Celebes Halfbeak ProfileGrim Reaper 24-Nov-04
Halfbeak- Red Fin, Celebes Profilenmonks 26-Sep-05
Halfbeak - Wrestling, White, Silver, Dwarf Profilenmonks 7-Oct-05
Butterfly Goodeid Profilemeepster 6-Aug-06
Please help add to the resources we have here, if you wish to write an article post it here, useful guides will be added to the FAQ topics. To add a species profile simply start a new topic in the Livebearers Profiles part of the site, where it will be reviewed before being added.
Livebearer Articles and Fish Profiles
Unusual Livebearersnmonks 5-Feb-06
How to Identify Your Halfbeaksnmonks 6-June-06
Species ProfilesAuthorDate
Celebes Halfbeak ProfileGrim Reaper 24-Nov-04
Halfbeak- Red Fin, Celebes Profilenmonks 26-Sep-05
Halfbeak - Wrestling, White, Silver, Dwarf Profilenmonks 7-Oct-05
Butterfly Goodeid Profilemeepster 6-Aug-06
Please help add to the resources we have here, if you wish to write an article post it here, useful guides will be added to the FAQ topics. To add a species profile simply start a new topic in the Livebearers Profiles part of the site, where it will be reviewed before being added.