lol, I've been waiting all winter for a new stock of females (I have only three and I worry about hierarchy problems). The other day, I, as usual, went to Petsmart and Petland to see if they had anything. Petland had some girls in a tank, but they were all boring blue, so I passed. Petsmart had some new girls too, one of which was a light color with red along the ends of her fins. Last fall I got a similar (almost identical, really) girl who turned out to be a boy, so rather than buy this one, I decided to go home and sleep on it (hoping I'd forget about her). But I was still thinking about her the next day, so I went back to see if she was still there, and she was, so I decided to buy her. Then I went to the tanks to see the girls stocked there (they have some girls in a tank, and some in individual cups with the boys), because the day before I had also seen a doubletail. I HAVE a doubletail already, so there was no urgency to buy this one, but Monashee is a blue and this other one was more of a purple color. In the end, I left the store with not just the girl I came for, but the doubletail, and two other girls. *sigh* The Betta Bug is a hazard on your wallet. At least with the girls, you can put them together, so less space problems than if you had problems keeping away from buying a whole bunch of boys.
And so far so good: the new pale girl appears to still be a girl, lol