Random Question


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Well everyone says that a goldfish has a memory span of 3 seconds right? Well what about other fish? Like koi, my neighbors can hand feed theirs. The koi come right up and let you rub their heads. Can they like have a ond with a human or other fish or...? Like what is a koi's memory span? 'Cause I know they can live to be like, what? 80 years old? That was a random question, but it came to my mind and I just had to know. :lol:
Attention span, not memory: almost all fish have very good memories to the point where some of mine can tell me apart from my man. Goldfish are just as easy to train as any other fish :) in fact, many people find them easier!
3 second memory/attention span lol what twaddle
give my koi an orange and youve got their attention for hours, my goldies which are in my tank know what their foodbag looks like :shout: put it in front of their tank and they are up on the surface in the right hand corner waiting to be fed :rolleyes:
now, i have heard this too, but i dont believe it to be true

the reason i say this is is because when i used to sit with my mate when he fished, some of the carps would jump out of the water and snap the line to escape. the only way they could do this is if they learnt to and remembered to

i dont know if its an old wives tale or something, but i think many fish have proven it to be wrong :)
hope they havent got a member span of 1 min lol imagine how big that would be lol

sorry couldnt resist

they have better memories then that, i dont feed my fish every minute in fact its once every 24 hrs ,so if their memories where so poor how do they know what the food bag looks like. the behaviour they show is only done when the food bag is place infront of the tank and no they arent just reacting to movement , their tank in the kitchen so is in area that gets a lot of movement cos the fridge gets constant use in this house (2 teenagers lol)
Its been proven that goldfish can remember for months now... was in the news a few weeks ago...

As for all fish, goldies included, if i or any customer wearing the same colour blue top walks past the tanks, every single fish follows the progress past the tank begging with all their might because Blue T shirt = FOOD!!!! Its funny watching them react to a confused customer... but they dont ever forget!! /the fish dont react to people with other coloured tshirts, its quite funny, has to be the work shirt or one the same colour.
Its been proven that goldfish can remember for months now... was in the news a few weeks ago...

Professor Robert Winston proved this ages ago - he stuck a Robert Winston fish in the tank (fake) and let the fish investigate it and then he scared them all with the fish - a few months later he put Robert Winston Fish in the tank and they all immediately swam to the other end of the tank.

Fish aren't as stupid as people think they are.

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