Random pics


Fish Addict
Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
Walsall, UK
Took the day off work today...so I decided to take some fish pics...pretty random I know..anyway here we go.

Random shot

My female angel

My male angel

My far from finished 40gal...still need background, plants and MORE slate!

My cons

cons again

The con tank is pretty ugly right now...will post pics of that once I get around to doing it...thats all for now :D
nice :D
hows about a shot fo those rams :p

I just looooooooove those cons :wub:

I bet you're glad you didnt sell that tank now??
mr_miagi32 said:
Mate, those angels are awsome! Have they spawned for you?
Nope not just yet, they are a pair tho. They havnt been in the tank all that long so they are still getting used to it.

DD, will get pics of the rams later on tonight once its a little darker..its easier to photograph my tanks then.
I just love your cons! :thumbs: but stereo system on top of your tank now thats wierd! the fish must be getting jiggy with it. :kana: :band:
LOL..yeah the stereo system...my moms going abit crazy on ebay lately..selling anything she can get her hands on...she just happens to be selling that..and my tank seemed the perfect place to store it :fun: :/ :rolleyes:
A few more pics!

One of my two mountain shrimp

Male albino krib

My angels again

German blue ram, krib and my other mountain shrimp poking out behind the wood :fun:

Red tail, krib and dalmation mollie

German blue ram again

Gold ram

Red tail again

Red tail, krib and german blue ram

My crowntail betta

Any ideas what sex my rams are? Im thinking they are all female, just my luck really. I asked for 1 male 3 females...thanks!

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