Ramshorn and mystery snails


Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
I just got me some snails. I know they eat algae, and I have read on here that they eat pretty much anything else, but I have forgotten what that pretty much anything else is (just did a search and didn't really find anything). What's the best thing for them? They are getting ready to go into quarentine along with the pigmy corries that I just got also (all from the same tank at the lfs), and the quarentine tank doesn't have any algae. Thanks!
please tell me you didnt get a pair of each kind :no: .

if so, then may whatever Gods out there have mercy on your soul
I think what handsomeboy is trying to say is that (if) you bought pairs you'll be dealing with a snail population explosion. I'm not exactly sure about this but snails are like plecostomus, they are the 'garbage' eaters and eat, just as you said, everything including the waste products of your fish, algae, and whatever you feed your fish that gets left behind. What to feed them, well, might try growing actual algae in the tank, or feed some extra to the Cories and hope the snail can get to some?
I did, but they are not going into the same tank. I got 5 of them, they are going into 3 tanks. 1 ramshorn in a 5 gal, 1 of each in a 6 gal, and 1 of each in a 10 gal. That way I can avoid having lots and lots of little snails unless my bad luck prevails and they spawn in quarentine. If they do, I guess I can just crush the babies and feed them to my bettas.
handsomeboy said:
please tell me you didnt get a pair of each kind :no: .

if so, then may whatever Gods out there have mercy on your soul
I have 8 bridgessi in my 30 gallon with no population explosion and an untold number of Trumpets as well as pond snails of some species but no population explosions because I don't over feed my tanks. They have great, clean water, space and everything else but the food keeps them from going all out.
I toss a few algae wafers in for my apple snails every now and then and they instantly go right to them, so I guess they really like them. You might try that with your snails.
You should feed them every few days. They can't subside on just the algae and leftovers in the tank like that for a long time.
Well, right now they are making pigs of themselves on the shrimp pellets that I put in there for the corries, so I guess I have solved the problem on what to feed them. Thanks everybody! The corries are so cute though! They are going all over the place, playing, snooping, exploring. I think they will make great additions to my tanks. I'm just going to have to get rid of the salt in the tanks now. Will that affect the bettas any?
Verity? I have 4 or 5 different kinds of betta pellets/flakes (a couple of them sink), goldfish flakes, and frozen blood worms. Also the shrimp pellets for the pigmys, and I got some Freeze dried tubifex worm cubes today too. They should be pretty happy with that. :)
I have one tank that has cories and upside down catfish in it.Recently I added a gold mystery snail.I was surprised at how fast it gets around the tank.That thing is all over the place.Once when I put in the algea wafers I watched it detach from the glass,float out a bit,and then plunge to the bottom where it landed amidst the cories.In no time it was hoarding some wafers and the cories were all gathered around nibbling at them :lol:

I had no idea a snail could be so much fun :wub:


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