

Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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I have a 10gal tank right now with one Black Skirt Tetra. This tank has been running for over a month now and im wanting some new fish.
I have decided (hopefully) on getting a pair or Rams to put in there. Will they go good in there? I have lots of hiding places and plants and do weekly water changes cause i hear they need good water. I guess their not supposed to get huge like other cichlids.
If i can go with these... what do you suggest for a bottom fish. I would really like a Pictus Cat, but i dunno if hel do good in my tank setup. Thanx for all info!

I wouldn't recommend a pair of rams in anything less than a 20 gallon tank. :no: You could try a single ram, but I would not put a pictus in a tank that size, maybe a trio of cories, but they are happier in bigger groups.
Hi don't know about others but my rams are doing fine in my 10 gal with 2 black skirts the pictus cat may be a bit to active though they also get over 4in probely might look for a different cat I'm not really into cats but there are some prety cool ones out there that don't pace back and forth so much any way I have two green corys hope this helps :thumbs:
I would also recommend not putting a pair of rams in a 10g. I had a pair in my 10g and thought they were doing OK, but when I put them in my 46g community tank, they were like completely different fish. They will be MUCH happier if you put them in a 20g.

ETA - Rams *are* bottom fish, so instead of looking for other bottom fish, you'd be better off with a school of tetras or peaceful barbs to act as dither fish for the rams.
i have 2 gold rams in with my 2 pearl gouramies, bristle nose n a few plattys n hatchet fish n they do fine, they have their lil area staked out, they are in a 29 gal. every1 ets along perfectly

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