

New Member
Sep 11, 2006
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Shepshed, LEICS
Hey, just got a Ram at the weekend, stunning little fella, but I know they can be quite sensitive...I have brought him some special food for what he likes and seems ok so far ad happy...but anyone got any advice and or anything else to offer?????
Hey, just got a Ram at the weekend, stunning little fella, but I know they can be quite sensitive...I have brought him some special food for what he likes and seems ok so far ad happy...but anyone got any advice and or anything else to offer?????

I thought you were trying to rehome your fish due to overstocked tank rather than add to their numbers :huh: ?
What do you currently know about rams? If you bought the fish on the spur of the moment with no previous research being done, this should be an important lesson not to do this in the future. If you don't do any research on your chosen fish before hand, you will have no idea wether it could grow into a an agressive monster or tankbuster etc.

Rams are pretty undemanding fish to care for, at least 20-25gals is advised as a minimum for keeping these fish- check out this info page on them;


You should check out the fish index, there is a wealth of info there on all sorts of fish :nod: ;

We have literally just got rid of a showl and are getting rid of some more, the reason for this is to give the sharks to grow and the loach, but we lost the shark, so we are waiting until we get a much much much bigger tank.

My husband knows a lot more about Ram's though a friend of his that had one. Just wondered if anyone else knew anything else? As my hubby aint around at the moment.

My husband has been wanting a Ram for while but everytime we saw one for sale it was too bit and this one is about an 1" (just under) and as we plan to get larger fish tank like asap thought it be ok.

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