Rams Laid Eggs


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2008
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Hi, i went out and bought 2 blue rams on friday,
they are a couple and they have laid and fertilised eggs on a rock in my tank,
i have read that corydoras eat the eggs, so i have put him in a breeder net and he seems happy,
I was wondering how best to look after the babies when they hatch ( they havent emerged yet)?

Thanks Spectrum
I've got Rams but no babies yet. Sorry, can't help. I have read that they tend to eat the first couple of spawnings, but when they get it right, they are good parents. Good luck!
Congrats, I really don't know how to help though, Give them lots of cover, java moss works well. You can try to hatch some brine shrimp to feed them, though I was never successful in raising them. My Rams laid eggs probably 12 times, each time the babies lasted longer and longer but in a community tank they where inevitably eaten. Once they got down to only a couple left the parents would finish them off presumably to try again with a larger brood.
Thanks guys
They (and the corys) ate all the eggs :sad:
they havent laid anymore since, i read somewhere that its normally 20 days between laying. its been more than that
any thoughts?
well i have 2 pairs of breeding rams and the lay about every 2 weeks. what usually kicks them off is good water quality. so do more frequent water changes i am doing about 5-10 gal a week out of my 55 gal. also high quality food seems to help. as far as the parents eating the young. they will eat the first 1 or 2 spawns, but will get the hang of it after a while. i lost a male after leaving the eggs hatch it my tank. he exhausted himself chasing others away. so if you have the resources i would recomend getting a small fry tank

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