Rams? Gouramis?


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
Hi, all.

I'm back, after a long absence. I'll post news in another post. But first, the "important" stuff :p

I have my ten gallon up and running and it currently has one Pepper Cory, one Oto, and one Three-Spot Gourami. I'm going to the fish store tomorrow to get more fish, and to trade in my Gourami ('cause he's too big for my 10 gallon), 'cause Monday is 25% off fish and plants day.

I'm planning to get a couple more Corys and another Oto or two, 'cause I know both of those kinds of fish like buddies. I also want to get some middle/top dwellers. I was thinking about getting a couple Rams. Do Rams do okay in a 10 gallon and with other fish, or should I save them for a bigger tank. What about a couple of Dwarf Gouramis? I'm open to other suggestions, as well.

aka Lizard
Rams tend to stick to the bottom part of the tank. You'd probably be better off getting some dwarf gourami which will swim around the mid region and surface

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