Rams and Corys

I have Bolivian rams and had them with a group of corydoras. They coexisted well even when rams were breeding, which was surprising. However corydoras and any sort of tetra or so means cories don't eat well in my opinion. Feeding was always my biggest issue..however all depends on the tank size. I have group of rams and had a group of corydoras in a 360 liters
I am not sure f Rams are new world or not
I have had my eye on German blue or Electric blue rams.
Would they bother my Cory's?

Yes they are New World. Colombia/Venezuela. I've had rams challenge a cory or two but the corys defended themselves well and all became harmonious in short order.
You may be hard pressed for temperature range compatibility. Most cories should not be kept above 78F longterm, whereas German blue rams need 78-86F temps longterm. Even sterbai cories range is 75-82F and the high end isn't the best for their longevity either.
You may be hard pressed for temperature range compatibility. Most cories should not be kept above 78F longterm, whereas German blue rams need 78-86F temps longterm. Even sterbai cories range is 75-82F and the high end isn't the best for their longevity either.
I have found H. oiapoquensis not only tolerate high heat but thrive in it.
I have found H. oiapoquensis not only tolerate high heat but thrive in it.
Also come with a good price tag 😄

OP, what cories do you currently have?
Also come with a good price tag 😄
True, if bought through the suppliers. There was until recently a breeder in MN who offered them for many years at a very reasonable price, along with numerous other interesting species. He sadly shut down his website a month or so ago.
I know here those guys run for $30 a pop at one of the few sources for them.
Screenshot_20250216_152927_Samsung Internet.jpg

Lovely cories, masked ones are adorable
Ahh, I forgot about the higher temperature
Thanks all of you
Rams are out
I have a group of 7 Panda Cory's
I will go ahead with my other plan and will add 8 Chili Rasbora and 8 Kubuto(sp?) Rasbora
Hopefully my buddy is sending me some of his gorgeous male Endlers
If you are interested in rams, Bolivian rams like cooler temperatures :)

Though, boraras may be snack sized.

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