rams and community


Fish Addict
Apr 12, 2004
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hey could i put a blue ram with several 6 guppies,5 neons,and 4corys in a 10g with driftwood and lots of plants.
how bout in general. can blue rams exist in a community tank with small fish like tetras?
In general, yes. (Though, as always, it depends on the fish.)

In this case, absolutely not. As you're already aware, that tank is overstocked already. If you got rid of all of the guppies, maybe.
you can practically put rams with any community fish...they are cute and normally not agressive..maybe during spawning....
i would strongly suggest that you DON"T add rams to your tank
you are over double the tanks size in inches of fish (22" in a 10 gallon)
if anything you could get another tank :crazy:
i disagree with pointy. i had one in a 2 foot with all types of community fish and in a semi agresive tank. theyll do fine.
Bea/\/ said:
i disagree with pointy. i had one with all types of community fish and in a semi agresive tank. theyll do fine.
silly boy :p
what are you talking about? :huh:
i never said anything about compatibility
i said he is too overcrowded :dunno:
someone isn't paying attention :lol:

EDIT: BTW the compatibility of the rams and his fish (as long as they aren't breeding) is just fine, but thats not what i was saying :blink:
hehehe sorry. i edited in my post above :rolleyes:
i think u should have asked this in the New world cichlid area. the cichlidaddicts head over there i believe and he/she is very nice. if ur not satisfiyed w/these answers ask there. i do believe though that rams need 20 for the german ones and 30 for the bolivian ones. i got that off a site, but im not positive that its correct, they say guppies need a minimum of 20 gallons, and i think that they gave the guppys the wrong name as well.

and yeah that tank is definetly overstocked. get rid of the guppes. they breed 2 much, and before u know it , ull have more then u know what 2 do w/.

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