Ram With Mouth Rot?


New Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Got a pair of German Blue Rams today and got them home to find that one of them has an odd mouth.

Any suggestions on what it is - and clearly I'll need to treat my tank, how to treat. Clearl I'll be straight back to the "reputable" LFS tomorrow! I should have checked the bag contents more carefully and he tank was high.

It also looks (though you can't really see in the picture) that it has four or five raised white lumps around the gills/head on one side only.
The fish has mouth fungus false name, correct flexibactor columnaris, a bad strain can soon start to rot the mouth away.
The lump do they have a tinging of red around the edges.
For columnaris uk myxazin and pimafix, or anti internal baceteria med by interpet and pimafix.
United states maracyn one and two.

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