Ram Twitching, Stationary, Clamped Fins

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New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Vancouver BC Canada
Symptom: I purchased two Columbian rams one week ago. They were fine at first. Later, they started to scrape themselves against plants and gravel. Now, they are constantly stationary behind the plants and occasionally twitch. Their dorsal fins and ventral fins are clamped. Their caudal fin are contracted. Their breathing seems normal. There is nothing unusual about the surface of their skin.

Parameter: Temperature: 78 degrees (used to be around 74, I recently tweaked it up), ph around 7.4; I do not have ammonia, nitrate, or nitrite test kits at home. I hope the disease can be recognized without these three parameters. I change 20 percent of the water twice a week (used to do it once a week). Algae seems to be more abundant recently. I recently removed all my snails. I have not yet added any chemicals or treatments to the tank. I did a 30 percent water change as soon as I saw that something was wrong with my Columbian rams. My tank is 20 gallons.

I have a blue ram that I got a long time ago. When my new columbian rams first got sick, the blue ram was fine. But now, it's just sitting there as well. There is nothing wrong with it except for the fact that it's not moving. My other fish: platy, guppy, angelfish, otocinclus, flying fox, corydora, neon tetra, rummy nose tetra, are all doing fine.

Please tell me what is wrong with my Columbian rams and blue ram.
Fins being clamped is stress, how many gallons is the tank full stock list, it could be a parasite or poor water quality, any gold to brown dusting on them, check the gills to see if they are inflamed or have any excess mucas on them.
I would test everything in that tank, including what you havent tested. it definately seems like the columbians brought it with them
I've added some Malachite green in case it's a bacterial infection. I definitely think it's caused by parasite because of the rubbing and twitching.
Malachite green is for parasites, need to increase aeration.

Malachite Green (zinc free) 100% Cures Ich, fungus, oodinium (velvet) mouth fungus, and prevents fungus on some eggs, most effective when used with salt. 28.4 grams make 1 gallon. Then use 1 drop per gallon.


Seen as you have tetra's in there i would of only gone in with half dose.
Malechite green will NOT treat ammonia or nitrite or excessive nitrates in the water column. We cannot recommend good treatment to you unless you provide us with necessary information. I strongly recommend that you purchase a test kit prior to deciding to treat your animals with chemicals. If the problem was ammonia in the water, the treatmen is water changes, NOT malechite green. The addition of malechite green (stress) could kill them. TEST YOUR PARAMETERS and come back and repost. SH
I got a water test done at the store.

They said that the water is fine except the ph is way too high. I changed the water, and the ph is now at around 7.4.

My rams are now rubbing themselves frantically against gravel and plants.

What should I do now?
Well it not a wonder med that works in 24 hours, you do have to give it time, i would carry on with the med, and increase aeration.
Don't no never used it, what does it say in the instructions, is it one dose for a few days, or daily doses.
If you don't answer the questions we can't help you.
Sorry, I'll try to answer the questions as fast as I can.

I do not have carbon filter, and it says on the malachite green bottle that I only need to use it once.

The main problem right now is still that I'm not quite sure what is causing the sickness.

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