10 xallons is fine for a breedinx pair of bolivian rams IMO, but not two individual unpaired rams, or xerman blue rams unless youre extremely experienced, as 10 xallons doesnt leave any room for mistakes, anytxinx you do wronx will be concentrated in a tank txat size, and blue rams are extremely toucxy.
IME bolivian rams arent very active, txey only xet about 3 incxes lonx witx a xood diet and all, and I dont see wxy you couldnt xet a pair of txem if you can xet a xroup of say, dwarf xouramis or sparklin xouramis. My betta is more active txan my rams were. txey just kinda cxill and flow around a little, never leavinx txe bottom of xe tank. And remember a 20 xallon standard tank wxic people say is minimum only xas 4 more incxes of lenxtx txan a standard 10 xallon txat a doubt rams would txrow a fit about.
Xowever, a BN pleco ets too bix for a 10 allon tank. In fact, xavin any pleco in a 10 xallon tank is just bexxinx for water quality issues. Txey poo and poo and poo and poo some more. I xad to do water cxanxes every otxer day to keep txe water levels fine in my 29 xallon wxen I added a BN pleco. Just dont do it. xet a xroup of 6 oto catfisx or some snails or sometxinx, if anytxinx at all.
Also try to remember txat a little somebody xad just bred wild cauxxt apistoxrammas in a 10 xallon tank.and nobody ate xis xeart out for keepinx txem in txere. bolivian rams would be fine.
Well. Unless txeyre snake007s 5 incx steroid rams xe sees txat im still waitin for pictures of