Ram Sexing


Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
A little help please - I want to pick up a partner for my Ram sometime soon, but am unsure of the sex of the one I have.

I can see a slightly pink belly, and scales shining through the black patch - indicative of a female. However, I can also see an absence of black stripes on the pelvic fins and spikes at the front of the dorsal fin - indicative of a male. Can you help folks?


Please excuse the green spot algae - I desperately need to get in there with some elbow grease!

that is a female if i remember correctly the fins are not long flowing or des this not count on dwarf cichlids
Thanks for the responses, folks - useful, but no consensus yet. Anyone else have a view?
Definitely going male on this one...couple reasons.
1. Lack of a for sure pink belly
2. The anal fin has a point to it
3. The anal fin goes past where the tail meets the body
4. The first three black dorsal fins (even though are curved in the picture) are excessively large
If there's no more, then I think the 'Males' have it. I'll try to pick up a female and see how they do.

Thanks folks.
Thanks all. I definitely need to pick him up a partner soon - he's having a bit of an identity crisis and is shoaling with my dwarf neon rainbows!
i think it's too young to tell.i bought my male and female a week apart and they were both bigger than that one and i knew exactly what sex they were.i would wait a little longer.

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