Ram Hybrids?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Nevada, MO
So...I have a theory that Rams might be able to breed with Geophagus cichlids...

Any thoughts?

It's something I'd be interested in trying. One of the main ones I was looking at was Geophagus surinamensis.

Why do I think it may be possible? Well, I don't know much about classification. Not as much as I should, anyway. My theory was just that microgeophagus (rams) could possibly just be a dwarf version of geophagus due to their similarities in name and body structure.

Comments appreciated. :nod:
Well you could give it a go but even just the dfference in size/aggression would probably put a stop to it.Are there any other Geo hybrids?
Well you could give it a go but even just the dfference in size/aggression would probably put a stop to it.Are there any other Geo hybrids?

I found this page while looking it up:
E-Mail Article on Geophagus

I assumed I'd use a male ram and female whatever other geophagus since it seems females of a lot of cichlid species are smaller. I'd, of course, have to do more research into this than just throw two fish together. Find out the over-all size of the species, common size for the female, age of sexual maturity, minimum size of sexual maturity, etc.

For example: I've read that Geophagus brasiliensis will start breeding around 4 inches.
Well you could give it a go but even just the dfference in size/aggression would probably put a stop to it.Are there any other Geo hybrids?

I found this page while looking it up:
E-Mail Article on Geophagus

I assumed I'd use a male ram and female whatever other geophagus since it seems females of a lot of cichlid species are smaller. I'd, of course, have to do more research into this than just throw two fish together. Find out the over-all size of the species, common size for the female, age of sexual maturity, minimum size of sexual maturity, etc.

For example: I've read that Geophagus brasiliensis will start breeding around 4 inches.

See I could see geo and FM maybe producing fry but I really REALLY doubt it would be possible with a ram but hey man go for it if you think you might have some success.I for one would love to see how you do.

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