Ram Eggs


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
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Hi I have 4 albino rams in my tank and today I noticed some eggs on my amazon sword...but I don't see a pair of them constantly looking after the eggs, usually just one...?
Does that mean I possibly only have females in my tank?
zyao said:
Hi I have 4 albino rams in my tank and today I noticed some eggs on my amazon sword...but I don't see a pair of them constantly looking after the eggs, usually just one...?
Does that mean I possibly only have females in my tank?
Albino rams? I cant say i have ever seen those before. I suspect you would notice at least one of the fish "guarding" the eggs if it was one of them.
What other fish do you have in the tank with them?
I have some cardinals and some ottos :p yeah one of them is guarding..but I always thought there would be a pair...?
My Bolivian Rams, as soon as they spawn, the female chases the male away and he remains under a log, doesn't even come out to eat, often for a full week.  Also, if they were all females, I don't think you would have eggs.  Or they would be infertile and all go white, and they get covered with a fluffy fungus.  Otherwise, they should be a little off-colored and will slowly develop eyes [two dark dots] over the next couple of days.
Congratulations on your spawn, though.
ahh thanks for the info, there are two of them taking turns guarding now, so all seems to be well :p hopefully will get some fry and I will be able to keep them alive...fingers crossed!
Good luck getting some fry from that batch, and congratulations on having your fish spawn!
Thanks, unfortunately most of the eggs got eaten by the other rams in the tank. hopefully next spawn will be more successful

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