Ram Cichlid with sore


New Member
Feb 7, 2018
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I am posting here because I am not sure what to do. The picture below is of one of my ram cichlids that has developed a large sore. It started about 2 months ago as a discoloration of the skin that looks like excess slime, as seen in the golden ram on the left, and has become what is on the ram on the right. I have done full treatments of both Furan 2 and Triple Sulfa as directed by the boxes under the assumption that it was a bacterial infection with no change or affect to the sore. No other fish in the tank have been infected by this and the blue ram still eats and behaves normally, other than being more skiddish than normal. Thanks for your help. Here is some information to help you.

Tank size: 39 gallons
1 dwarf gourami
4 corydoras
8 cherry barbs
2 khuli loaches
2 Rams
Last fish added were the corydoras and a guppy who died of a sore and general wasting away. I believe this is what got the disease into the tank. They were added over 2 months ago.
Water conditions:
Temp: 79°C
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: <20
pH: 7.5

My issue with this is everything that I have found online that could be the cause of this should have killed everything in my tank about a month ago, let alone killed the ram by now.

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Fish can develop tumours and there is nothing you can do about it. At least they are not contagious. As soon as you have the feeling the fish is suffering I would put it down. Sorry.

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