Well, buying fish sight unseen has its up and downs. I've had my share of wonderful fish delivered to me, so I guess it must have been my day for a strange situation.
While browsing online I found this website and have been watching it in the hopes some interesting corys would appear. This is the live fish part of Drs. Foster & Smith's online store.
This time they had C. elegans and C. schwartzi. I've been hoping to get some C. elegans, but it's been one that no one seemed to be offering on AquaBid, so I ordered them.
They arrived today and here's the story:
The box looked good when it arrived:
It looked good inside too. There was plenty of water and air in the bags.
But what's this? Could it be an ice pack? It was 56 degrees F. outside and I found an ice pack in the box!
Moving right along............... I unpacked the bags and OH NO!!!!!! Every single one of the schwartzis was dead.
It's too bad because they looked like very nice fish too. But they were all dead.
The little, and I do mean little, C. elegans were cold, but alive. The temperature in the bag was just 66.5 degrees and one of them looked pale. The rest of them looked active though.
But since they advertised that they guaranteed their fish, I called their 1-800 number and told them what happened. It was a conversation I won't soon forget!

While browsing online I found this website and have been watching it in the hopes some interesting corys would appear. This is the live fish part of Drs. Foster & Smith's online store.

This time they had C. elegans and C. schwartzi. I've been hoping to get some C. elegans, but it's been one that no one seemed to be offering on AquaBid, so I ordered them.
They arrived today and here's the story:
The box looked good when it arrived:

It looked good inside too. There was plenty of water and air in the bags.

But what's this? Could it be an ice pack? It was 56 degrees F. outside and I found an ice pack in the box!

Moving right along............... I unpacked the bags and OH NO!!!!!! Every single one of the schwartzis was dead.

It's too bad because they looked like very nice fish too. But they were all dead.

The little, and I do mean little, C. elegans were cold, but alive. The temperature in the bag was just 66.5 degrees and one of them looked pale. The rest of them looked active though.

But since they advertised that they guaranteed their fish, I called their 1-800 number and told them what happened. It was a conversation I won't soon forget!