New Member
I have stopped at PetSMart twice now, and picked up about 15 snails each time, giving a couple to my SAP right away, and putting the others in a container, hoping they will breed. I haven't been able to get them to breed yet, and need some advice. The person at PetSMart said to put them in a container and crack the shells of a couple of them, and they will release their eggs. Is this true? I tried it, but it didn't seem to work. Also, how often should I change the water, and with the snails being so small, how can I be sure not to get rid of any of them with the water? Currently, I am using a plastic container with about 1/2 litre of water in it, and I drop some flake fish food in for the snails. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to raise snails? I would like to give my SAP snails often, so I won't have to trip his tooth.