Raising Neocaridina shrimp, for best colors, & as feeders???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
been reading up on these guys a little, & in an honest discussion, it was mentioned about culling them to improve, or keep the stronger colors... Right now I only have one predatory fish, a 12 inch Bichir... I'm guessing he would suck these culls down as fast as I put them in the tank... ( not the only thing he would be eating ) about how many would it take to get a good breeding colony going??? sounds like 10 would be a good start??? I don't often see the grading of them, listed for sale on line... what are the classes ( I've seen "S" before )... if you start out with a good bright solid color for both the parents, do you end up having to cull half, more, or less than that, of babies from good color parents???... I read that they often don't get full color until nearing adult size... so how long would you have to raise babies to decide if they will be culls or breeders???
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Just for example... this place sells mostly shrimp, but these are not graded... with a printed grade... it just says "high grade"

this is Dan's fish... ( one of the best on line fish sellers I've encountered ) yet these aren't graded either...

or do you need to spend $100.00 a pair to find graded shrimp???
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Just for example... this place sells mostly shrimp, but these are not graded... with a printed grade... it just says "high grade"

this is Dan's fish... ( one of the best on line fish sellers I've encountered ) yet these aren't graded either...

or do you need to spend $100.00 a pair to find graded shrimp???
I got these guys from Petsmart. They are breeding but to early to tell color of the offspring.
Just for example... this place sells mostly shrimp, but these are not graded... with a printed grade... it just says "high grade"

this is Dan's fish... ( one of the best on line fish sellers I've encountered ) yet these aren't graded either...

or do you need to spend $100.00 a pair to find graded shrimp???
I ordered graded ones from Shrimp Farm. Ten Grade AA cherry shrimp. They're graded. I haven't gotten them yet.
I think I have a cousin that lives in Normal

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