Hi everyone,
I have a breeding tank of 18length,15 height and 12 width(which is only half filled) which i am breeding glowlight tetras in.The main problem is trying to vacum out the tiny fry into a small plastic container so i can feed them without loosing them to starvation. It is a total pain trying to suck them out with a turkey blaster, any ideas? or is it the case of just buying a smaller tank to breed them in.
I have a breeding tank of 18length,15 height and 12 width(which is only half filled) which i am breeding glowlight tetras in.The main problem is trying to vacum out the tiny fry into a small plastic container so i can feed them without loosing them to starvation. It is a total pain trying to suck them out with a turkey blaster, any ideas? or is it the case of just buying a smaller tank to breed them in.