Raising Angel Fry


New Member
Aug 7, 2005
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My Angel fry are now 10 days old but I'm still not sure how much I should be feeding them. I use hatched baby brine shrimp(this is the first time I've hatched and used them), squeezed egg yolk and very small amounts of ZM-100 fry food. I do water changes daily and syphon off any dead fry and food remains. I hatched them in a 18" x 10" x 10" tank after removing the spawning slate from the parents tank as they had eaten the previous 3 spawnings and have started transferring them into a 36" x 12" x 15" tank as there are too much fry for the small tank. Any advice on feeding etc would be very much appreciated as this is my first batch of Angel fry and I would like to raise as many as possible.
Feeding angel fry is tricky, as any leftover food fouls the water. I feed mine bbs for the first 2 to 3 weeks, then start on finely crushed flake. As to the amount, it is a trial by error sort of thing. I hatch in a 10 gallon, and raise them in there for the first 2 to 3 weeks, after that transferring to a 20 or 29, depending on the spawn size.

To tell you the amount I feed I would first have to explain how I hatch & store bbs. I hatch one batch daily, anywhere from 1/4 teaspoon to 1 1/2 teaspoons daily. After removing the air supply & letting the bbs settle,
I suck them out with a turkey baster, and store them in an old 1 pint container. I store them, along with the brine solution, in the fridge.

They settle to the bottom of the container, for the first week I feed 1 standard eyedropper full 3 times daily. Starting the second week, I feed 2 eyedroppers 3 times daily, third week, 3 eyedroppers 3 times daily, and start feeding flake somewhere in there depending on the angels size.

What I've found helps is to add a small cory once they are freeswimmers. Don't add the cory before that, as the cory will eat the eggs or wigglers. I've used pandas, albinos, and smaller green corys, and haven't had any problem with them eating the fry. Corys eat any leftover bbs, they love it.

I've used the following chart (off the internet) as a guide to my Mimimum stocking rates.

Newly free swimming fry 40 fry per gallon
Two week old fry 20 fry per gallon
Month old fry 10 fry per gallon
Pea size bodies 3 fish per gallon
Dime size bodies 2 fish per gallon
Nickel size bodies 1 fish per gallon
Quarter size bodies 1 fish per 2 gallons
Silver Dollar size bodies 1 fish per 3 gallons
Potential breeders 1 fish per 5 gallons
Show Specimens 1 fish per 10 gallons
One breeding pair 20 gallon high tank

HTH, good luck, & have fun! :)
Feeding angel fry is tricky, as any leftover food fouls the water. I feed mine bbs for the first 2 to 3 weeks, then start on finely crushed flake. As to the amount, it is a trial by error sort of thing. I hatch in a 10 gallon, and raise them in there for the first 2 to 3 weeks, after that transferring to a 20 or 29, depending on the spawn size.

To tell you the amount I feed I would first have to explain how I hatch & store bbs. I hatch one batch daily, anywhere from 1/4 teaspoon to 1 1/2 teaspoons daily. After removing the air supply & letting the bbs settle,
I suck them out with a turkey baster, and store them in an old 1 pint container. I store them, along with the brine solution, in the fridge.

They settle to the bottom of the container, for the first week I feed 1 standard eyedropper full 3 times daily. Starting the second week, I feed 2 eyedroppers 3 times daily, third week, 3 eyedroppers 3 times daily, and start feeding flake somewhere in there depending on the angels size.

What I've found helps is to add a small cory once they are freeswimmers. Don't add the cory before that, as the cory will eat the eggs or wigglers. I've used pandas, albinos, and smaller green corys, and haven't had any problem with them eating the fry. Corys eat any leftover bbs, they love it.

I've used the following chart (off the internet) as a guide to my Mimimum stocking rates.

Newly free swimming fry 40 fry per gallon
Two week old fry 20 fry per gallon
Month old fry 10 fry per gallon
Pea size bodies 3 fish per gallon
Dime size bodies 2 fish per gallon
Nickel size bodies 1 fish per gallon
Quarter size bodies 1 fish per 2 gallons
Silver Dollar size bodies 1 fish per 3 gallons
Potential breeders 1 fish per 5 gallons
Show Specimens 1 fish per 10 gallons
One breeding pair 20 gallon high tank

HTH, good luck, & have fun! :)

Thanks for the information. My trial and error has obviously went wrong as I have now lost all the fry. I may try moving the parents to a tank of their own and see if they will spawn again and let them rear the fry in peaceful surroundings without the commotion of other fish.
You will still have to feed them bbs. Make sure to put something over the intale of the filter if you have anything other than a ugf or sponge running. I use filter sponges over mine.

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