We have a mixed community tank which has been established for over a year. My 11 year old is very keen on angelfish and we have 3 that were very small but have grown and 2 of them are now spawning . Fifteen days ago we rescued a few of the angelfish eggs into a small heated tank and we now have 4 fry. Feeding on baby brine shrimp and ZD100. This morning one of our 2nd generation guppies gave birth and I rescued a few of them in a "fry net" in the main tank. They are just a bit smaller than the angel babies. The frynet is already the centre of attention for the grownup fish and I know that they will start jumping into it from past experience. So can i put all the fry together in the small heated tank? The angels are a bit bigger than the guppy babies but don't look quite so robust.