Rainbox Shark As A Community Species


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I really like the rainbow shark and would like to add it to my community tank. But, I've done some reading, and I'm not entirely convinced that it's a good option for a community tank.
I want to find out what you all think about this fish, and whether it's really a good idea to get it or not, based on my current setup.

Some have said that as they get older, they tend to get more aggressive. I don't know how aggressive we are talking about here, but my buenos aries tetras are kinda semi-aggressive, and I would think they would be able to hold their own, or maybe not? The black skirt tetras seem to be a bit semi-aggressive, too. I am especially concerned about my cute cory catfishes however. I have six of them, and I definitely dont want any of them to be frightened, harrassed or afraid because of another tank mate. I know that the red-tailed shark is definitely more aggressive and is not at all reccommended, but I have heard people tell me that the rainbow shark is an acceptable fish, while others tell me it's not a good choice.

I have a 55 gallon setup, 6 buenos aries tetras, 4 black skirt (widow) tetras, 3 swordtails, and 6 cory catfish.

If it were my tank, I don't think i'd have too much concern adding a Rainbow Shark. They are generally rather placid I've found, unlike the Red Tails as you've stated. However, there will always be exceptions to the rules, you may be an exception and end up with an overly aggressive Rainbow. Fish keeping is a game of luck and chance at times, I think this is another one of those cases, try it and see is what i'd recommend :)
This is quite funny because I have a rainbow shark who is an absolute nightmare of a bully and I've had to move the majority of smaller fish into another tank - whereas I have a red-tailed black shark in a community tank with mollies and platies who is a real placid boy and frightened of his own shadow! LOL :lol:
i've had my red tail shark for a few months now (he's around 3.5 inches long now) and he's just starting to get a little aggressive. He hangs with my clown loaches all day and never bothers them. However, he has recently started to chase my bosemani rainbows a little bit. 4 of the 7 are bigger than him and can more than hold their own, so i'm not that worried. He usually chases for a second or 2 and gets bored. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse. 95% of the time, he's either hiding or just cruising the tank minding his own business. He doesnt bother my smaller fish at all.
I think if some experience red-tailed shark to be non-aggressive, we have to remember that there are always exceptions, BUT, we can agree that each species of fish does have their own widely accepted temperament, and behavior, and that's what I want to consider.

Im just having trouble finding some more fish to add...and I am disapointed that these damn swordtails are almost like bottom dwellers! they always feed at the bottom, and go after the cories food, too
I might remove them, but I want to replace them with something else.

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