

Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2006
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hey everyone :thumbs:

i got 2 boseman rainbow yesterday from trimar. one is about 4cm and the other 5cm, they are in my community tank see sig, will they get along with all the species in there??
also how big do they grow?
i was told i got a male and a female how do i tell the difference??
how long do they take to reach there full size??
they arent very colourful at present one has a darkish blue line from its head to tail and is alightly yellow on the tail the other has a bit of yellow on the tail, when will there colours get better??
also they keep chasing the black widow tetra, will they harm them? why do they do this?

Sorry for lots of questions,

thanks for reading, please help.
:D x x x
Others responding to the thread, might find the one you have in chit chat good to look at too :)
I've already given you some answers there - for instance about the sexing and some other info / links.

I find mine's colours vary on their mood and time of day and activity levels. Their colours develop more and become more vibrant / intense as they mature.
They don't grow terribly fast - I would say a couple of years at least. They can grow 4-5" or so.
Not really sure why it's chasing your tetras - mine never chases anything.

Hope that helps :)
Hey thanks for reply, sorry i didnt see the reply in the chit/chat topic! :unsure:

any other opinions/advice welcome

thanks x x :thumbs:
Hi, i was thinking of getting a few rainbows myself as i am seting up a 180L. a friend swares by them for being piecefull and easy to keep. and yes when they grow a bit they do look realy cool. if you look through cyprinids, characins and antherinids you will see that some one posted some pics of their rainbows and they look gorgeous :)
Is the male the one that is chasing the tetra? I could see him flaring his fins in front of the female and if the tetra is near by, then he may chase other fish away. My rainbows do it to eachother, so its possible they do it to tetras also.
hey thanks for reply,
i dont no which one is the male or the female?
they only seem to chase the tetras when feeding or just after, nobody has any marks or bits of fin missing, so i think they'll all settle down soon. :thumbs:
x x x
The males are more colourful and generally larger and deeper bodied. You may also see the male stop perpendicular to the female in front of her and display his fins to her.
hey, :thumbs:

how long do these fish take to grow to full size? and full colour?
mine are approx 4cm and 5cm now how old do you reckon they are?
Cheers :) x x x
They don't grow terribly fast - I would say a couple of years at least. They can grow 4-5" or so.

how long do these fish take to grow to full size? and full colour?
mine are approx 4cm and 5cm now how old do you reckon they are?
Cheers :) x x x

Your's are probably only a few months old at that size of 2".

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