Well, when the ich epidemic dies I'll have some restocking to do.
I expect to have left one very small clown (which I'll pair with a replacement), 4 platies/variatus, and 4 dwarf gouramis. Plus a Siamese Algae Eater, Dwarf Bristlenose Pleco, and a couple tiny Otos.
In a 30G that I think leaves me some space.
I think I'd like to get a Boesmani Rainbow. Or two. Are these peaceful???
If not, I'll get a pack of tetras. Cardinals to be safe (for now). But the Rainbows sound interesting.

I expect to have left one very small clown (which I'll pair with a replacement), 4 platies/variatus, and 4 dwarf gouramis. Plus a Siamese Algae Eater, Dwarf Bristlenose Pleco, and a couple tiny Otos.
In a 30G that I think leaves me some space.
I think I'd like to get a Boesmani Rainbow. Or two. Are these peaceful???
If not, I'll get a pack of tetras. Cardinals to be safe (for now). But the Rainbows sound interesting.