
spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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i have 2 rainbows now, a dwarf neon blue rainbow and an australian rainbow. the rainbows school together, even thought they arent not the same spieces. the tank is a 33 gal hex front, 36 in long, not one of those really tall ones. i have driftwood and rocks in there now. im going to make it planted with some easy plants, i have fertilizer and stuff. i wish i could, but i cant find any more dwarf neon blue rainbows. i cant find any more dwarf neon rainbows or australians for them to schoool with. im just not sure if its ok for the rainbows to school together with different spieces. i wanted to know the tank sizes for different types of rainbows. i know some need large tanks, others can go in smaller. i wanted to know if a boesmans needs a large tank. i was thinking of getting a couple ornates and banded rainbows so there would be a nice healthy shoal of rainbows. im not sure if i should mix that many different spieces though, so please tell me if this is wrong. i would like to know the tank sizes for australian rainbows, ornate rainbows and banded rainbows.

In my experience mixing is no problem (similar size of course), I've got madagascars, ornates, red irian, splendid and a new cross breed red bosemani, all together inthe same tank (a 55g). I would recommend more horizontal swimming space but I think a 33gal is enough to house pairs of each species. But make sure to account that these species can reach 5" or so and love to swim.

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