Ok last night I got two red Iran rainbows and today I notice that the male is like dancing around the female. Like courtship. I was just wondering how would i go about breedin them
Not sure about much, but there was some interesting info that the author of the book I read (in the Barron's series) stated. He said that a fellow aquarist was welding a tank next to the fish tank and all the inhabitants died. He also stated that flash photography simulates lightning and the rainy season, thus triggering breeding.
Apparently they breed in the rainy season, so a slow drop in the water level followed by soft, slightly acidic water should trigger spawning. Also feed them live and/or frozen foods. That should work...
During the rainy season (spring) there's a large influx of insects and insect larvae. This is primarily what conditions the fish. You are ok with what you have, but more meats might be better (not needed, though this is the course many aquarists take when conditioning).
If you are at all interested, you might also want to try fruitflies. From what I've read, they are readily eaten and are a good source of protein and whatnot.
My M. Praecox have bred constantly in the community tank. I have only just decided to try raising the fry.
Basically the dancing done by the male is to try to persuade the female to spawn. The male is most active during the first hour of light. The rainbow fish I know of are egg scatterers and the dwarf neons that I have are constant spawners. That is, a few eggs are laid each day. The eggs are slightly yellowy clear spheres and are lightly adhesive. The eggs hatch in about 7 to 14 days. My fry are nearly 6 weeks old now and are getting their adult finnage. They are about 10mm long so far.
If you want to try breeding then condition on frozen food for a couple of weeks. Place them in a spawning tank (possibly putting the female in a few days before the male) with a spawning mop. After a few days together there should be a number of eggs in the mop. Keep the adults well fed so that they don't eat the eggs. After a few days remove the adults and wait for your fry!
I'm not sure about the specifics of your species but I'm guessing it's done something like that.