Hey everyone! i was looking at my PetCo fish(i know not a real good thing) but anyways i was walking down the "fish wall" and i saw these 2-3 beautiful redish orangish rainbow fish! they were about mmmm 4 inches and were REALLY cool!, i was wondering if they might be a tankmate for guppies and platies? 30gl.?
also how many should i get?
I was thinking 2-3....i dont know,
and i know that there are different types/kinds of Rainbows, does anyone know what these ones are?
what are they like?...peaceful? energetic? nippy?
sry for all of the questions!
also how many should i get?
I was thinking 2-3....i dont know,
and i know that there are different types/kinds of Rainbows, does anyone know what these ones are?
what are they like?...peaceful? energetic? nippy?
sry for all of the questions!