Rainbowfish Ratio's


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi all, a general question.

im looking to get some rainbows, (Boesemani's, kutubus and maybe the odd trifasciata) but whats the ration for males and females? usually with most fish its 2 females per male, but ive read that this is slightly more relaxed with rainbow fish and i can have a ration of 3:2 F:M.

what do you think?
hi all, a general question.

im looking to get some rainbows, (Boesemani's, kutubus and maybe the odd trifasciata) but whats the ration for males and females? usually with most fish its 2 females per male, but ive read that this is slightly more relaxed with rainbow fish and i can have a ration of 3:2 F:M.

what do you think?

a good ratio is ment to be 1 male to 2-3 female get couple more females and your good atm i have 1 of each
ok so that sounds good. i might get something like 4 boesemani's. (but they are sold in pairs, so how do i go about the M:F rule then)
i will house them with other rainbows including a probably 6+ Praecox along with a few kutubus.
i suppose the shop would probably seel me an extra female.

another quick question, how are rainbows with corries?
thats excellent.

whats the rainbowfish you have in your sig? is it a lacustris?
if it is it looks so vivid in comparison to the shop ones i have seen. (water conditions cant be great for them then!)

thanks for your help. :good:
i have 6 of these lacustris in my tank and even though they are fairly small now they are very pretty.
one i get the water params under control i'll get a bigger tank and some more like bosemans and praecox

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